Assistant head of school
the buckley School
sherman oaks, CA
July 5, 2023
The Buckley School, the oldest independent, all-gender, K–12 school in Los Angeles, and one of the only with all grades on one campus, seeks an experienced independent school educator and administrator to serve as the next Assistant Head of School to extend the community’s bold, mission-based work.
Why come to Buckley? In the words of the school’s new educational vision, faculty, staff, and families come to Buckley to uplift others; to relish experimentation, play and curiosity; to view challenges as opportunities; to invest in community; to prepare students to be Architects of the Future — ready for college and for life. At the heart of this K–12 community is the deep belief that children, adolescents, and adults have the capacity to grow at every stage, and that they do so best in the context of longstanding, deeply connected relationships.
Procedure to apply
Applications Due, Round 1
November 16, 2022
Applications Due, Round 2
December 3, 2022
Semifinalist Interviews
December 12–16, 2022
Finalist Interviews
Early-Mid January, 2023
Early-Mid February, 2023
*Approximate dates subject to change
The Buckley School values and supports diversity in the workplace and in the classroom. Candidates from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The Buckley School is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It seeks faculty and staff members who have both a national and global perspective on preparing students for the world in which they will work and live.
Interested candidates should submit the following materials confidentially as a single PDF file:
Cover letter expressing interest in the Buckley position
Current resume
Statement of educational/leadership philosophy and practice (no more than 2 pages)
List of three references including name, title, phone number, email address, and professional relationship (references are contacted only with the candidate’s permission)
Please direct any questions via email to jobs@strategenius.org or by phone at 415-881-7105.